Concession of Sofia airport

The Ministry of transport, information technology and communications (MTITC) has opened a Concession Granting Procedure for service for the object Civil airport for public use Sofia.

The Notice for the procedure has been published on the web site of the Official Journal of the European Community under № 2016/S 105-187282, on the web site of National Concession Register under № А-000796/02.06.2016 and on the web site of the Bulgarian State Gazette: under № 2 as of 02.06.2016.

10 September 2016
In relation with published Announcement № 2016/S 175-314608 in the Official Journal of European Community and Announcement № 1 in Bulgarian State Gazette and National Concession register for extension of deadlines of the opened procedure for granting a concession for the object “Civil airport for public use Sofia”, we make the following clarification:

- term for receipt of the tender documents - till 17.00 pm on 18.11.2016;

- term for receipt of the tenders - till 17.00 pm on 18.11.2016;

- date for opening the tenders - at 11.00 am on 20.11.2016.

23 August 2016
The time for reviewing  documents in the data room is extended from 10.00 am till 17.00 pm, every day under the terms and conditions of item. 3.3. of the Documentation for participation

To all interested persons in the procedure for granting a concession for service for the object “civil airport for public use Sofia”:

  1. Answers to questions received (137.82 KB) 15.07.2016
  2. Answers to questions received (140.87 KB) 15.07.2016
  3. Answers to questions received (152.6 KB) 19.07.2016
  4. Answers to questions received (150.1 KB) 29.07.2016
  5. Answers to questions received (358.89 KB) 12.08.2016
  6. Answers to questions received (208.82 KB) 12.08.2016
  7. Answers to questions received (318.66 KB) 12.08.2016
  8. Answers to questions received (164.09 KB) 12.08.2016
  9. Answers to questions received (405.95 KB) 20.09.2016
  10. Answers to questions received (147.3 KB) 20.09.2016
  11. Answers to questions received (305.65 KB) 20.09.2016
  12. Answers to questions received (146.1 KB) 20.09.2016
  13. Answers to questions received (167.9 KB) 20.09.2016


30 June 2016
In relation to a plaint № ВХР-1134-15.06.2016 submitted to the Commission on protection of competition against Decision No 419/20.05.2016 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria on opening a procedure for granting a concession for service for the object "civil airport for public use Sofia" – public State property, in which is requested the imposing of an interim measure "suspension of the procedure" for granting a concession.

The Commission on protection of competition has adjudicated by Ruling № АКТ-475/23.06.2016 on the request for imposing an interim measure "suspension of the procedure".  By the Ruling the Commission has denied as unfounded the request of “Mohammed Abdulmohsen Al-Kharafi & Sons Co. for General Trading, General Contracting Company W.L.L.” (Kuwait) and “Admak General Contracting Company W.L.L.” (United Arab Emirates) for imposing an interim measure "suspension of the procedure" for granting a concession for service for the object "civil airport for public use Sofia" – public State property, opened with Decision No 419/20.05.2016 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria. The Ruling has entered into force, hence the procedure for granting a concession for service for the object "civil airport for public use Sofia" – public State property, continues under the terms specified in the Notice published on the web site of the Official Journal of the European Community, № 2016/S 105-187282, on the web site of National Concession Register, № А-000796/02.06.2016 and on the web site of the Bulgarian State Gazette:, № 2 as of 02.06.2016.


16 June 2016
In the Commission for protection of competition has been lodged a complaint under No ВХР-1134-15.06.2016 against Decision No 419/20.05.2016 of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria for opening a procedure for granting a concession for service for the object "civil airport for public use Sofia" – public State property. With the complaint has been also requested imposing an interim measure "suspension of the procedure" for granting a concession. On the grounds of art. 84, para. 2 of the  Concessions Act , the procedure for granting a concession for service for the object "civil airport for public use Sofia" – public State property has been stopped.


Notice_Sofia_Airport_NKR_en.pdf (131.24 KB)

Notice_EC_2016_OJS105_187282_en.pdf (99.01 KB)

Documentation_concession_airportsofia_EN.pdf (832.3 KB)

This translation in English language has been prepared for the convenience of the participants in the procedure for granting a concession for service of civil airport for public use Sofia and is not binding either for them or for the grantor of the concession. Binding for the participants as well as for the grantor of the concession are the documentation and its annexes, which were published in Bulgarian language on: Documentation_concession_airportsofia.pdf.

Annex_N20_Concession_Agreement_draft_airportsofia_en.pdf (833.57 KB)

This translation in English language has been prepared for the convenience of the participants in the procedure for granting a concession for service of civil airport for public use Sofia and is not binding either for them or for the grantor of the concession. Binding for the participants as well as for the grantor of the concession are the documentation and its annexes, which were published in Bulgarian language on: Annex_N20_Concession_Agreement_draft_airportsofia.pdf

10 September 2016:

Notice_EC_2016_EN_extension_deadline_Sofia_airport.pdf (65.89 KB)

  • Concession of Sofia airport
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