Bulgaria ranks 4th in EU in the number of municipalities registered for WiFi4EU initiative

A hundred and thirty Bulgarian municipalities registered online in the first day of the launch of WiFi4EU portal for financing public wifi access projects. As at 8 a.m. today Bulgaria ranks first in the region and fourth in the EU in the number of municipalities registered.

The key steps for filing proposals for the first competition on May 15, 2018, will be presented by Maria Gabriel, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, and Ivaylo Moskovski, Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, before the Board of Directors of the National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAMRB). The meeting will be held on March 24, 2018 at 11 a.m. at the premises of the Ministery of Transport, Information Technology and Communications in 9 Dyakon Ignatii Str., Hall 3.

Representatives of the media are invited to the event.