Nobody is building a state telecom, the goal is to create synergy between the executive and the operators

The team that prepared the Digital Connectivity part of the Recovery and Sustainability Plan today explained the goals and financial parameters of the executive directors of A1, Vivacom and Yettel.

With the coming to power, the new government has changed the focus of the main directions in the plan, and now the commitment of the Ministries of Transport and Communications and e-Government is to provide gigabit connectivity to remote and sparsely populated areas for 350 thousand people (in the previous option was 100,000), and to strengthen and upgrade the Unified Electronic Communications Network.

No one has ever had an idea to make a state telecom, the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev and the Minister of Electronic Government Bozhidar Bojanov were categorical. The meeting was also attended by the relevant deputy ministers of the departments.

Minister Sabev assured that the goal is to find good synergies between the major telecommunications operators and the state. From now on, the executive branch and the telecommunications industry will look for opportunities for partnership in the implementation of projects under the plan, mainly in the development of the network of the Ministry of e-Government and in ensuring connectivity in sparsely populated areas.

The total funds in the part "Digital Connectivity" are over BGN 600 million.