
The Civil Aviation Administration has launched an investigation into the case in which Ryanair took a mother off a plane and separated her from her 3-year-old child and her husband.

Due to overbooking of the particular flight, it was decided to put the father and the child on board, and the mother was redirected to fly the next day. Under European law, the passenger is entitled to monetary compensation, which is determined according to the distance of the flight and, in this case, amounts to EUR 400.

The transfer of ownership of the Rosenets terminal to the state is already underway and will be completed before the 30-day deadline. This was stated by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during a visit to the port terminal today.

Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company already has a port operator license. We are negotiating with Lukoil to reach an agreement for joint operation of the tax warehouse, which is a requirement for obtaining a Certificate of Operability for the terminal,’ he said.

Discussions are underway between Bulgarian Ports Infrastructure Company and Lukoil Neftohim Burgas AD on the procedure for transfer of operational control over the port terminal Rosenets to the state.

According to the adopted decision of the Council of Ministers No 549/11 August 2023, the concession contract is terminated as of 15 August 2023. A committee has already been appointed by the Minister of Transport and Communications to accept the concession object within 30 days of the termination.

Bulgaria supports Poland's initiative to sign a joint declaration of 11 EU member states to cooperate and strengthen investment in transport infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe. This was said by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland H. E. Maciej Szymański.

They discussed the countries' experiences and challenges in implementing the strategic transport projects. This will be one of the main topics of a high-level forum to be held in early September in Poland.

Last week we sent requests to all rolling stock manufacturers in Europe about their ability to deliver new trains for BDZ in the shortest possible time. This was announced by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during his participation in ‘Hello, Bulgaria’ on Nova TV.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications supports the European Public Prosecutor's Office's investigation into irregularities in two rail infrastructure modernisation projects. An audit of the way in which public funds are spent in the structures of the Ministry was one of the first steps that Minister Georgi Gvozdeykov took upon taking office. 

‘I have immediately ordered the National Railway Inforstructure Company (NKZI) to fully cooperate with the Prosecutor's Office and I hope it will go all the way in its investigation,’ Minister Gvozdeykov said.

By Friday, Wizz Air will submit to Directorate General ‘Civil Aviation Administration’ an Action Plan with preventive measures against delays and cancellations. This became clear after a meeting between the Director General of the CAA Anelia Marinova and representatives of Wizz Air Hungary Ltd.

Over 50 proposals for stamp themes for 2024 have already been received by the Department of Transport and Communications. The deadline for submitting ideas for inclusion in the thematic plan is 31 August 2023. All submissions will then be evaluated by the Specialised Stamping Panel.

As one of the oldest members of the Universal Postal Union, in 2024 Bulgaria will have a special edition dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the founding of the international organization.

This is the last phase before their re-announcement

The Ministry of Transport and Communications has completed the processing of the four public procurement contracts for the purchase of new rolling stock. The completed documents have been sent to the Public Procurement Agency and the National Fund Directorate of the Ministry of Finance for the mandatory prior checking procedure.

One of the main priorities of the Bulgarian state is the development of the East-West transport and therefore the signing of an agreement on international road transport between Bulgaria and Mongolia is an important step. This was said by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of Mongolia H. E. Lkhagvasuren Sayanaa.

We have restarted the process of building the air ambulance system, which was delayed and led in the wrong direction by the caretaker government. The system will be built taking into account all European rules in this area. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov said at a briefing today in the Council of Ministers.

Penalties can reach up to BGN 5,000 per complaint left uncommented by airlines

The salaries of employees in the Executive Agency ‘Road Transport Administration’ are shamefully low and we have taken steps in three directions to increase salaries, starting from the lowest levels. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov said during a meeting with the Union of Transport Trade Unions in Bulgaria. He stressed that the agency is addressing one of the most important issues for our society — road safety, which is also a top priority of this government.

The strategic North-South and East-West connectivity was discussed today at a meeting of the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov with the US Ambassador in Sofia H. E. Mr Kenneth Merten. Bulgaria's efforts to develop transport links with neighbouring countries contribute to both economic development and security in the whole region, was the common opinion.

The Executive Agency ‘Road Transport Administration’ started a full inspection of the carrier Bozav EOOD, whose truck caused the serious road accident on the Trakia Motorway yesterday. The inspection is carried out on the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov, who has requested a comprehensive analysis of the activity and efficiency of the Executive Agency ‘Road Transport Administration’.

Bulgaria and Georgia continue their cooperation on the development of transport connectivity. This became clear at a meeting between the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov and the Ambassador of Georgia to Bulgaria H. E. Otar Berdzenishvili.

I am committed to ensuring that transport workers have better working conditions and decent pay. This is what the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov said during a meeting with representatives of the Confederation of Labour ‘Podkrepa’.

France is one of the countries in Europe with the most developed rail transport and we will borrow experience and good practices in this area. This was said by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov during a meeting with the Ambassador of the Republic of France H. E. Joel Meyer.

We are already working to provide more trains on the route between Plovdiv and Edirne as an alternative to the ever increasing car traffic. This was said by the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov at a meeting today with the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey H. E. Eileen Sekizkok. He added that two trains a day — one in each direction — currently run on this destination.

The Ministry of Transport and Communications will strengthen control over the implementation of the of Sofia Airport concession. According to the concession contract, a joint committee of the Ministry and representatives of the concessionaire must meet every month to regularly monitor the implementation of the contract. This became clear during today's meeting of the Minister of Transport and Communications Georgi Gvozdeykov with the Executive Director of Sofia Airport Jesus Caballero.