MTITC and Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers trained 100 IT experts

A hundred Bulgarian IT experts underwent training on digital Internet names infrastructure security. The event was organized by the ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) and is part of the agenda of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU.

“Internet management as a global and national information resource relates to public interest protection and consideration of the views of all the participants in the Internet society”, said in his opening speech Hristo Hristov, Director of Information Technologies Directorate at MTITC.

ICANN’s Vice President Jean-Jacques Sahel and his colleague Roy Arends presented to the participants the methods for improvement of data security. The training focused on server protection from cyberattacks. Internet providers, operators and registrants shall provide specific security technologies to ensure better protection from data thefts from client information servers, advised the trainers.

Daniel Kalchev from “” delivered a presentation on the ways owners of Internet names and numbers to protect their web pages from frauds. He highlighted the need for state policy on security procedures in the administration, which would improve the security of communication between end-users and state institutions.

The trainings for Bulgarian specialists, students and civil servants on Internet resources security are organized jointly by MTITC and ICANN under a cooperation agreement between the two parties.