Preparing the Interneт governance forum 2019

Best Practice Forums (BPFs) are an intersessional programme of global IGF intended to complement other IGF community activities. BPFs offer substantive ways for the IGF community to produce more concrete outcomes.  BPFs are approved by the MAG (Multistakeholder Advisory Group) per year basis with the aim of enriching the potential of the global IGF results.

 The list of BPFs for IGF 2019 cycle

·         Cybersecurity (continued from 2016-2017-2018, builds on 2014-2015 BPFs on SPAM and CERTS)

·         Gender and Access (continued from 2015-2016-2017-2018)

·         Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) (continued from 2018)

·         Local Content (continued from 2017-2018)

Information on the current and outputs of previous BPFs can be found here.

The 2019 BPF on IoT, Big Data, and AI is focussing on trust in applications that combine IoT, Big Data and AI for addressing societal challenges.  

The BPF allows for experts and stakeholders to exchange on policy challenges and best practices experiences and has launched a survey to get insight in the community’s views on the use and of IoT-Big Data-AI applications to address societal challenges. 

The survey can be found here. Input received before 30 June 2019 will be used for the first draft of the BPF output document.