Термини на информационното общество

To the users of "e-glossary on Information Society"

Dear Users,

We present for you  an  "e-glossary  on  Information Society" elaborated  by the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, aimed at expanding  professional training and media education in the digital environment. We have reflected in Bulgarian and English the concepts we encounter most often in our work related to the implementation of information and communications technology in all spheres of public life.

Since 1994, when Bangmean first raised the idea of a global information society as a "revolution of human intelligence - a new way to live and work together" in the European public space through the decisions of the Summit on the Information Society in Geneva and Tunis  to the EU Digital Single Market and the Council of Europe Strategies for Internet Governance have lasted more than  two decades but no one can deny that we live in a completely changed world,  with boundless opportunities and risks. The virtual reality conquers the minds of young generations who communicate, create and strive to realize their dreams through the Internet. The Internet is a public value that is increasingly relied on by people of all ages and professions for their everyday activities, access to information, knowledge and business. The web is a center for electronic communication, business, education, culture and innovation. It is the center of dialogue between societies and traditions and the free exercise of human rights.

This is an integrated world that puts higher demands on both people-to-people and professional-based, knowledge-based as a long-term goal.The environment in which we live imparts not only a new look to the world, but also a new language of communication, a new philosophy and a new conceptual apparatus, as well as a new style of expression. Taking all this into consideration, our team has created a database of terms in the information society that reflect the technical and social dimensions of the changes that have taken place. As the conditions that created this project are extremely dynamic, so our glossary will be dynamic and will develop as a living organism in the context of time, will be complemented and improved. To make  it better , we will also rely on you, the users, especially on your active participation and on the constant interactive communication with suggestions and comments.

We look forward to our cooperation as experts in the different spheres as well as to the broadest public. We expect many questions from young people who are children of the information society. Good luck in the information society!

e-Glossary Team


Quality of service (QoS) refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various technologies.

The European Union intends to ensure the availability of a minimum set of high-quality services that are available to all users at an affordable price, without distortion of competition. It therefore lays down obligations with regard to the provision of certain mandatory services, such as the retail provision of leased lines. It also establishes end-users' rights and the corresponding obligations of undertakings that provide publicly available electronic communications networks and services.

Необходимо e да бъде осигурено изпълнението на изискванията по отношение на редица характеристики на услугата от гледна точка на осигуряваното качество, включително на гарантирани скорости, закъснение, загуба на пакети и сигурност по отношение на пренасяната информация в мрежата. Качество на услугата (QoS) се отнася до способността на мрежата да предоставя по-добро обслужване на избрания мрежов трафик чрез различни технологии.

Европейският съюз възнамерява да гарантира наличието на минимален набор от висококачествени услуги, които са достъпни за всички потребители на достъпна цена, без нарушаване на конкуренцията. Поради това той определя задължения по отношение на предоставянето на някои задължителни услуги, като например предоставянето на дребно на наети линии. Той също така установява правата на крайните потребители и съответните задължения на предприятията, които предоставят публично достъпни електронни съобщителни мрежи и услуги.

A sequence of stored computer data or programs awaiting processing that are processed in the order in which they have been sent.

Поредица от запаметени компютърни данни или програми, които чакат да бъдат обработени и които се обработват по реда на тяхното изпращане.

Ends the work without writing out a new file or new version of the exiting work file unless there is a save that interrupts before dumping the session.

Приключва работата, без да записва нов файл или нова версия на съществуващия работен файл, освен ако запаметяването не е прекъснато преди края на сесията.