
България подкрепя инициативите на Европейската комисия за привличане на повече частни инвестиции в транспортния сектор, които да надграждат и допълват инвестициите с публични средства. Това каза министърът на транспорта, информационните технологии и съобщенията Христо Алексиев по време на транспортна конференция за инвестиции в транспорта. Министърът посочи, че тези инструменти могат да допълват традиционните финансови източници (европейски фондове, национален бюджет и др.), но не и да ги заменят напълно. По думите му включването на Европейската инвестиционна банка в този процес е от съществено значение, тъй като предварителната подготовка на всеки един проект е определяща за неговото реализиране и изпълнение.

„МТИТС има добро сътрудничество с ЕИБ в сферата на консултантската дейност, и се надявам занапред да осигурят още по-голяма подкрепа в подготовката на трансгранични проекти, с фокус върху железопътните коридори. По този начин ще се постигне устойчивост и мултиплициращ ефект на проектите в дългосрочен план“, каза министър Алексиев.

В рамките на втория ден от форума министър Христо Алексиев проведе двустранни срещи с еврокомисаря по транспорт Виолета Булц, както и с министрите на транспорта на Украйна и Черна гора.

По време на срещата с Виолета Булц, министър Алексиев представи инвестициите в транспорта, които ще бъдат реализирани с хоризонт до 2022 г. Той посочи, че трябва да има общи стандарти за проектите в рамките на Европейския съюз за да бъде постигната оперативна съвместимост на транспортните системи. Комисар Булц изрази позиция, че страните членки трябва да черпят опит и добри практики по между си, както и да си партнират в общите проекти. Христо Алексиев даде пример с проекта Бургас – Александруполис и заяви, че има много добро сътрудничество с гръцката страна и съвсем скоро ще бъдат предприети съвместни действия по този въпрос.

В рамките на среща с министъра на транспорта и морските въпроси на Черна гора Осман Нуркович беше обсъдено възобновяването на спогодба между двете държави в сферата на автомобилните превози. Последната спогодба е от 2011 г. и в момента се подготвя актуализиран вариант на документа, който предстои да бъде съгласуван от двете държави.

На среща с министъра на инфраструктурата на Украйна Володимир Омелян беше обсъден проекта за изграждането на автомагистрала между Украйна, Румъния, България и Гърция. Министър Омелян заяви, че украинската страна ще организира среща между държавите в обхвата на проекта и се надява да бъде постигнато съгласие за изграждането на магистралата. Министър Алексиев посочи, че България подкрепя този проект и ще се включи в предстоящите дискусии. Украинският министър сподели, че гръцкият му колега също е изразил подкрепа към инициативата и ще се включи в съвместна среща.

След края на конференцията министър Христо Алексиев, европейският комисар Виолета Булц и кметът на София Йорданка Фандъкова посетиха метростанции Европейски съюз и Сердика. Виолета Булц заяви, че е впечатлена както от археологията, така и от съвременния европейски облик на метростанциите.

Approximately 4 billion BGN will be invested in our transport infrastructure until 2020 on Operational Programme on Transport and Transport Infrastructure and 406 million BGN on the Connecting Europe Facility. That stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the opening ceremony of the Regional Transport Investment Conference. The event is organized by the Mobility and Transport General Directorate of the EC in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications.

The Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Georgi Todorov validated a postage stamp on topic “70 years Bulgarian Civil Aviation and 15 years Bulgarian Airlines Association“.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and European coordinator for the Rhine-Danube Corridor Karla Peijs launched today the first ever hydrographic Danube survey vessel. The ship is a possession of Executive Agency "Exploration and Maintenance of the Danube River" and is constructed under the project "Improvement of navigation and topo-hydrographic measurements along the Danube River - Phase 2".

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Ukraine in Bulgaria H. E. Mikola Baltaji discussed the development of common infrastructure projects. During the todays held meeting have been discussed topics of common interest for both countries in “Transport and Transport Infrastructure” sector.

The per diem rates for international drivers will be paid as per the requirements of the Bulgarian legislation. That became clear after conversations between the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Labor and Social Policy, Galab Donev. Minister Alexiev said that would keep the competitiveness of the Bulgarian drivers on the European markets and would save one of the main sectors in the Bulgarian economy.

There are prepared amendments in the Law on Automobile Transport, by which is proposed the deadline of validity for the taxicab drivers’ authorizations to be extended without sitting an additional exam. That has stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev during the todays meeting with the taxi industry. He said that in order the proposals to become effective they should be approved after the forming of the National Assembly.

The construction of new railway connections to the industrial facilities was topic of the meeting between the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the Minister of Economy Teodor Sedlarski.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications visited Sofia Locomotive Depot.

During the inspection in the repair base for locomotives and multiple unit trains at “BDZ Passenger Services” Ltd., Minister Alexiev got acquainted with the working conditions and the process of work. He talked to the employees in the depot and got informed about their opinion on the organization of work.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev ordered the organization of a working meeting for discussing issues related to the bus transport.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev, received officially an investment intention from the biggest manufacturer of rail rolling stock in the world. Representatives of China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation (CRRC), which is one of the biggest world industrial concerns, presented the intention.

The investment intention contains solutions for common strategic cooperation, which include provision of a package of high technology, financing, investments, training and services.

The investment proposal includes three main points:

For less than a month from the start of registration of domains in Cyrillic “bg”, 3285 names of the native alphabet have been already requested. 1690 organizations and citizens have used the opportunity to be included in the new Bulgarian Internet Area. From 8th of February until 8th of May is the period in which are requested and registered domains with “protected” names as well as addresses in Cyrillic, which do not enter in the lists of reserved names.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev inspected the new electronic system to control the theoretical exams of applicants for drivers. He visited the regional department of "Road Transport Administration" in Sofia, where today were held the first exams in specially equipped halls. The results indicated that 64 out of 84 applicants have passed successfully.

Revenues of BDZ from entertainment trips may reach 4 million BGN per year, stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev today during a demonstration journey by steam locomotive to the Cherepish monastery with the participation of Prime Minister Ognian Gerdjikov, ministers and diplomats.

Minister Alexiev added that the idea of this trip is to show to the diplomatic corps, on the eve of the national holiday, the Bulgarian tradition, history, spirituality, because it is important and should be promoted.

The first meeting of the Public Expert Council on IT and Internet to the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications was held. Chairman of the Council is Deputy Minister Lubomir Hadjiysky. Participants in the new structure are representatives of the executive power - Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Finance, State Agency "Electronic governance", as well as sectoral organizations such as the Bulgarian Association of Information Technology, Association "Telecommunications", the Association of electronic communications and the "Center for Internet governance ".

Long-term measures to maintain the fairway of the Danube discussed today the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Hristo Alexiev and the European Coordinator of the "Rhine - Danube" corridor Karla Peijs. She thanked Minister Alexiev for the emergency measures undertaken by him related to maintenance of the fairway and the improvement of navigation along the Danube River.

All contracts with contractors to build the first stage of the third metro line have been signed, stated Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Lubomir Hadjiysky at a ceremony to launch the activity of the tunnel boring machine that will construct the third beam of Sofia metro.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications and the Bulgarian Posts celebrated the 125-anniversary from the birth of General Vladimir Stoychev. The Executive Director of the Bulgarian Posts Deyan Duneshki and the Deputy Chair of the Bulgarian Olympic Committee Yordanka Blagoeva placed the stamp for validation of the issue.

Directorate General "Civil Aviation Administration" (DG CAA) obtained a certificate for successfully introducing a system of quality management ISO 9001: 2008.

The certificate was issued by Intertek Bulgaria after a successfully conducted recertification audit of the Quality management system of DG CAA.

“The railway transport is a crucial element of the National Transport System and its development for the integration to the European systems impacts significantly the overall development of the Economy of Republic of Bulgaria“. With these words the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Hristo Alexiev opened a round table with topic “The challenges to the Bulgarian railways for overcoming the crisis – management and development”. The event has taken place today in the Tarde Union Home of the Transport Worker, Sofia.