
Българи на възраст между 18 и 35 години от правителствения, частния и изследователските сектори могат да кандидатстват за участие във Форум на младите лидери в областта на информационните и комуникационни технологии. Инициативата за събитието е на Международния съюз по далекосъобщения и на град Бусан, Южна Корея.

Over 314 acts drew up inspectors from EA "Road Transport Administration"  for a week within a joint operation with the Ministry of Interior to control buses and heavy vehicles. During the operation were temporarily stopped from movement 18 vehicles until the elimination of the ascertained flaws. 1545 vehicles have been checked, of which 1302 heavy vehicles and 243 buses.

A Working group, followed by a Ministerial meeting in September, shall accelerate the activities related to the project on the realization of a railway corridor between the ports of the Aegean Sea – Kavala and Alexandropoulos and the Black Sea ports Bourgas and Varna. It was agreed by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and the Minister of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks of Greece Christos Spirtzis.

Five Bulgarian organizations will receive funding under the 'Information and communications technology” (ICT) of the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020" at the amount of € 1 078 088. The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications coordinates the Bulgarian participation in the ICT program of "Horizon 2020". In 2015 was organized an information day on which was announced that submission of the proposals begins on October 20, 2015 and ends on April 12, 2016.  42 Bulgarian organizations took submitted 35 projects.

A Project to continue the activity of the National Centre for Safer Internet  is approved for funding under the Connecting Europe Facility, "Telecommunications" sector. The proposal of the "Applied Sciences and Communications" Foundation, "Parents" Association and "DeConi International" AD is evaluated highly and the Bulgarian organizations will be granted € 367,183.

In order to apply for funding, the Bulgarian participants received a certificate from the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications that the project is of common interest for Europe.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov addressed the electronic forum of experts involved in e-government to discuss one of the priorities of the Bulgarian presidency of the European Union.

According to the established practice, the country holding the Presidency, announces one or several priority themes. Bulgaria will take over the Presidency from Estonia, which has chosen a focus on the achievements in the field of e-governance.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications conducts individual policies towards different types of infrastructure. This was stated by Minister Ivaylo Moskovski, during a meeting with the president of "Citic Group", Wang Jiong and the Chinese business delegation, headed by him.

Twenty Bulgarian ICT projects are included as good practices in the publication of the International Telecommunication Union for 2015 WSIS Stocktaking Report 2015. This is seven times more than last year, when the selection approved only three projects. Every year the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications (MTITC) supports the promotion of the initiative, as well as the participation of Bulgarian projects in the selection.

По искане на Сдружението на общините в България преминаването на технически преглед без платен данък на автомобила вече няма да е възможно. От тази седмица по време на техническите прегледи ще се извършва електронна проверка за платен данък на автомобилите, а не както до сега чрез представяне на документ от общината. Тази електронна проверка ще работи само в общините, които са заявили, че имат пълна готовност да гарантират свързаността и функционалността на системата.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski gave today permission for use of the new station "Vitosha" to the director of "Metropolitan" EAD, Stoyan Bratoev. Minister Moskovski participated in the official opening ceremony of a new 1.3 km long stretch of the underground railway and a new subway station at the intersection of “Cherni Vrah” Blvd. and “Srebarna” Str.

Experts from six countries discuss the development of the new transport and transit corridor Persian Gulf – Black Sea. Within two days (14 – 15 July 2016) in the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications specialists from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Greece and Iran shall work on the draft Multilateral Agreement on the establishment of the international corridor.

At the premises of the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications was celebrated the 15th anniversary of Executive Agency "Railway Administration" (EARA).

Bulgaria and Iran will cooperate in the elaboration of policies on fast Internet, management of Internet resources and postal services, provides for a Memorandum of Understanding and Cooperation in the field of communications and information technology. The document was signed today by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and his Iranian counterpart Mahmoud Vaezi within the visit of the Bulgarian delegation led by the Prime Minister Boyko Borissov in Tehran.

Another metro station and 1.3 km of new metro lines will be put into operation by the end of July, said the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski during an inspection of the project on the extension of the second metro diameter. The new section with one metro station is completed and is currently being carried out testing of all equipment and systems along the track. Minister Moskovski, the Mayor Yordanka Fandakova and Eng.

It is very important to have a close relationship between the state policy in the field of technology and telecommunications and the specialized education that prepares the future experts, stated the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski during the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Ministry and the Higher School of Telecommunications and Posts.

The regular flight from Sofia to Istanbul is duly redirected to Izmir. There is no danger for the Bulgarian citizens who were on board of the plane.

In relation to the bombings in Istanbul, Sofia Airport has permitted an emergency landing of an airplane of Air France. The commander of the flight has decided to return to Paris.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski sent letters of condolence to the Prime Minister of Turkey Binali Yildirim and the Minister of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications Ahmet Arslan.

The activities for the development of the procedures and the rules on access to cloud infrastructure for e-government are close to finalization, said the Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov during a presentation on platform management solutions. The event was attended by representatives of the central administrations, the National Association of the Municipalities in Bulgaria and IT companies.

The inspectors of Executive Agency "Road Transport Administration" drew up 23 acts for administrative violations in the past weekend at the seaside. By order of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski were carried out sudden inspections at the beginning of the summer season of the taxi services on the territory of the sea resorts.

Three of the violators reported by the inspectors drove vehicles with technical malfunctions.

The first postcard of the Bulgarian Postage Stamp Issuing, devoted to diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Canada, was put into circulation today. The validation stamp was put by Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Valery Borissov, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hristo Angelichin and the Ambassador of Canada H.E. Joanne Lemay.