
A Conference on Public procurement data for EU businesses and policies, organized by the Publications Office of the European Union under the auspices of the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council of the EU, took place on 29-30 May 2018 in Brussels, Belgium.


The engagements from the Bulgarian side were related to the opening of the event and presenting the Bulgarian experience in the field of open data.

On 24 and 25 May, the third annual South Eastern Europe Dialogue on Internet Governance (SEEDIG) took place in Ohrid, in the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.Every country delivered a short presentation, in which they highlighted their data portal, use cases, lessons learned and opportunities for cooperation.


The presentation of the Bulgarian experience on Open Data can be found here.

It is an open, inclusive and informal space for dialogue on Internet governance issues between stakeholders from South Eastern Europe and the neighbouring area.

SEEDIG is a sub-regional Internet Governance Forum initiative, recognised as such by the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF).

Bulgarian Progress on the initiatives Open Data and Open Governance  was  presented from Expert team of State e-government Agency (SEGA) during the regional meeting in Bucharest. The meeting was organised by European data Portal on 27-28 March 2017. Experts from IT Directorate in the Ministry of Transport, IT & Communications took part in the event preparations. More info on:

On May 10, 2016 the Council of Ministers hosted the conference "Data inviting - a year later".

During the event  the progress of Bulgaria on the Open Data Platform ( was presented. Bulgaria's Open Data Portal where state institutions publish sets of statistics and data. 177 sets of data as public information available to be used for commercial and non-commercial purposes could be found on the portal.

The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications /MTITC/ supports the efforts of the European Commission to break down language barriers by creating a new Automated Translation platform in the official languages of the European Union - CEF.AT. During a national seminar that took place in Sofia, MTITC presented its vision on the types of documents that institutions should provide and share, so that the new system be adapted to the specific needs of public administration.