
The creation of a Consultative Council between government, industry and industry experts can accelerate the creation of ethical rules for the development of artificial intelligence and help to make effective use of the European supercomputer in Bulgaria. This idea was supported by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen  Jeliazkov and representatives of the IT business during the second Round Table on the Digital Economy, which was organized by the American Chamber of Commerce in Bulgaria.

The Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov validated a postage stamp on 140 years since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Bulgaria and Russia.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov held a meeting with the Executive Director of the European Aviation Safety Agency, Patrick Ky. The meeting is at the invitation of Minister Jeliazkov and is part of the measures to ensure the safety and protection of the environment in the civil aviation sector in Bulgaria.

We are consistent in implementing the transport and digital connectivity policies with our neighboring countries. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov in Plovdiv during an Economic Forum. In his words, the most important condition for achieving better connectivity is the efficient maintenance, modernization and infrastructure development.

Bulgaria and Romania will prepare an intergovernmental agreement to build a third bridge over the Danube river between Svishtov and Zimnic. This is what the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov and the Minister of Transport of Romania Alexandru-Răzvan Cuc have agreed today at a meeting in Sofia. It was agreed by the end of July that the draft agreement would be ready and after its adoption by the governments of the two countries to be proposed for ratification by national parliaments.

A total of € 27 million is the budget of the second 2019 competition in the Telecommunications sector of the Connecting Europe Facility. Proposals will begin on 4 July 2019 and will continue until November 14, 2019. The Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, as national coordinator of the program in the Telecommunications sector, supports Bulgarian organizations wishing to join .

Residents of Sarnitsa will use postal services in a renovated station, said Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov. Together with the mayor of the municipality Nebi Bozov and the executive director of Bulgarian Posts Deyan Duneshki, he opened the administrative building of the municipality in which the post office is located. The ceremony was also attended by the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Khalil Letyfov.

A new technological system will enhance the security and safety of Bulgarian seaports. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, in the presentation of the results of the project "Design and construction of technical systems for risk prevention and enhancing the security of the territory of seaports / RPSSP /".

Southeast Europe Digital Infrastructure Projects will be eligible for EU funding after 2020. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rosen Zhelyazkov at a forum dedicated to innovation in the InnoStart Forum 2019. The event is organized by the American Chamber of Commerce.

The designs of three of the collectors' most post-philatelic publications for 2019 were selected by contest. Twenty-two artistic proposals were submitted to the Ministry of Transport, Information Technology and Communications in an anonymous competition for the editions of the 50th Anniversary of the Moon's Footprint, Christmas 2019 and Bulgarian Folk Costumes.

International road transport between Bulgaria and Montenegro is being liberalized. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rosen Jeliazkov, after signing a treaty with the Montenegrin Minister of Transport and Maritime Affairs Osman Nurkovic today. The document is the first in the field of transport between the two countries, the Bulgarian Minister added.

With its active role as organizer of international initiatives, Bulgaria has won the privilege to host one of the most significant events for Europe in 2020 - the Regional Cyber ​​Security Forum. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov to the participants in the World Annual Meeting of the Board of Directors of the World Federation of Consuls held in Sofia. According to him, the upcoming event strengthens the image of our country as being strongly committed to building a sustainable cybernetic environment.

"Bulgaria is working to create a cybersecurity ecosystem and develop a holistic vision. This approach will foster trust between businesses and citizens and can cope with fragmentation between countries and regions, "the minister said.

Minister Rossen Jeliazkov predicts that by 2020 the number of connected devices will reach tens of billions. "Our goal is to encourage the use of digital services to overcome the digital divide. At the same time, cyber security is critical because modern systems can be seriously affected by incidents such as technical malfunctions and viruses, "he said.

Minister Jeliazkov reminded that the state has made significant investments in modern optical infrastructure. Over 7,000 km of backbone network is used by the state administration to provide secure and innovative electronic services. The goal is that by 2025 all schools, transport centers and major public service providers, as well as digitally-intensive businesses, will be able to use the Internet at a rate of one GB per second. In addition, all households should have access to networks that provide a speed of at least 100 Mbps. Main roads and railways must have continuous 5G wireless broadband coverage, starting with providing this service in at least one major city in any EU member state by 2020.

In front of the participants, Minister Rossen Jeliazkov presented the priorities in the transport infrastructure in Bulgaria. He stressed that our country works with neighboring countries in the implementation of a number of infrastructure projects, which is in line with the development of the Trans-European Transport Network.


"We have to think about the service, its attractiveness to society, its sustainability, long-term performance and the fulfillment of the BDZ's benchmarks in order to be the provider of this basic service contract with the state and after 2024 when the market will be liberalized. " This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, during the public discussion on "Buying new rolling stock for the needs of BDZ and investments in the national railway infrastructure".

An agreement to interact with the European Aviation Safety Agency will be signed to ensure the establishment and maintenance of a high level of civil aviation safety. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications, Rossen Jeliazkov, during a hearing at the parliamentary committee. "Such co-operation agreements exist in 15 Member States and I think we need to take advantage of this mechanism, which provides a good opportunity for cooperation with the European Agency," he added.

Over BGN 3 billion or nearly 84% of the financial resource under Operational Program "Transport and Transport Infrastructure"  2014-2020 is negotiated. This was stated by the head of the OPT Managing Authority Eng. Galina Vassileva at the meeting of the Program Monitoring Committee, which is taking place in the period 11-12 June in Rousse. She added that 33% of the program's budget was paid off.

We insist again for the legislative proposals on the individual Mobility Package I files to be reviewed at first reading. This was stated by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov after a working meeting with the newly elected Bulgarian MEPs and representatives of the the transport industry.

The European Supercomputing Infrastructure will bring the European Union to a leading position. This was announced by the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov at the Council of Telecommunications Ministers in Luxembourg. Within the session, Commissioner Gabriel announced the eight countries, including Bulgaria, as hosts of European supercomputer centers.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov discussed with his colleagues from Poland, Hungary, Lithuania and Latvia a joint strategy of the like-minded EU member states on Mobility package I. The meeting was held during the EU Transport Council Meeting in Luxembourg yesterday.

Deputy Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Anguel Popov opened TRUCK EXPO 2019. He greeted the organizers and the participants on behalf of Minister Rossen Jeliazkov, noting that our country has a modern and fast increasing fleet, which turns Bulgaria into one of the most powerful and successful leaders in Europe, as far as international haulage is concerned. “This sector is expanding every year and along with the employment of a lot of people, it is a significant factor in the formation of the GDP”, he also added.

Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Rossen Jeliazkov   ordered an audit in the Directorate General “Civil Aviation Administration” (DG CAA).

The auditors will verify the implementation of the control and regulatory functions of the Directorate General related to ensuring civil aviation safety. The inspection’s subject includes also a research of the capacity for the implementation of the control and administrative penal activity, the certification and supervision functions, as well as the management of the working processes in the administration.